
Surprise Beatboxing Waiters

Surprise Beatboxing Waiters

Surprise Beatboxing Waiters

Looking for memorable and impactful entertainment for a corporate event? Take a look at our amazing Surprise Beatboxing Waiters, whose live performance is sure to be a hit!
Our singing waiters replacement provides a unique and entertaining presentation for your event, giving this traditional surprise corporate event entertainment a modern twist.
For a really unique and personalised performance, our trio of beatboxers for events may customise their act to include brands and names. Our urban singing waiters blend in with your crowd like a beatboxing flash mob before starting to sing.
As more musicians join the beatboxing flash mob, guests will enjoy realising what is happening at once and rush to capture photos or videos of our covertly singing waiters.
Our beatboxers for events are renowned for their singular ability to remix well-known tracks using just their mouths. They are a ground-breaking vocal trio that can convert their combined voices to sound like any genre of music.
Our beatboxers for events are ideal for weddings, business parties, awards ceremonies, gala dinners, and more. They are the ideal little extra to spice up sit-down meals and cocktail receptions.
A Pro Tip
Additionally, it is possible to provide world-class DJ sets, live DJs, beatbox performances, and custom keywords, logos, or branding that are displayed as part of the DJ setup.
For events in the UK, Europe, the US, the Middle East, and elsewhere, Bella Entertainment provides a variety of singing waiters and beatboxers. On our broad list of exciting corporate event entertainment, you can find beatboxing, flash mobs, singing waiters, and more.
Get in contact with our team of entertainment experts, who will be pleased to help, if you want to hire our Surprise Beatboxing Waiters to astound and delight guests at your upcoming event.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.