
Hire Michael Jackson Tribute | MJ Tribute Act | MJ Impersonator Paris

Hire Michael Jackson Tribute | MJ Tribute Act | MJ Impersonator Paris

Hire Michael Jackson Tribute | MJ Tribute Act | MJ Impersonator Paris

Here, you may learn about the world of a professional Michael Jackson tribute act and impersonator while also experiencing the unadulterated adoration of a four-year-old fan!
Honoring Michael Jackson Steve gives passionate and powerful performances that uncannily resemble the king of pop in terms of music, dance moves, and appearance.
Steve performs an incredible Michael Jackson tribute act with a voice that is an exact imitation of the late singer's and well-known songs that are emotionally charged. With a dynamic stage presence and an almost identical appearance, he painstakingly displays all of the essential components of Jacksons' renowned performances. He moonwalks across the stage in the manner we've come to associate with Michael Jackson, using his amazing imagination to mimic the original dance techniques and song covers.
Honoring Michael Jackson Steve recently worked with an enormous flash mob, which entertains and astounds spectators in public places and at special events.
Whether performing live renditions of Michael Jackson's greatest singles, such as Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, Blood on the dance floor, History, or Invincible, Steve and his group urge you to find or rediscover authenticity.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.