
Book Venetian Dance Show

Book Venetian Dance Show

Book Venetian Dance Show

The dancers trained the Viennese waltz with prominent European masters, and they currently perform at several gala events in the most significant Palaces in Venice and around Italy. This company of ten professional dancers specialises in historical dance from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century.
They can present a dance exhibition or engage the audience by urging them to dance the waltz and other dances to music like:
- Mozart, Dreizehn Deutsche Tanze Kv600, Danza in cerchio
- Parson's Farewell - Parson's Farewell, Playford
Playford, Hudson House, Hudson House
- The Round - Mr. Lane's maggot, Playford
- Arbeau, Branle des Chevaux, Horses' Branle
Praetorius, La Volta, and Volte du Tambour
Heart's ease, Heart's ease, Playford
Chopin, Galop Marquis, Cotillon
- Hole in the Wall in Farandola
To book this or any other performer on our extensive roster, get in touch with a member of our entertainment team.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.