
Book Cigar Sommelier Event Cigars | Barcelona Spain

Book Cigar Sommelier Event Cigars | Barcelona Spain

Book Cigar Sommelier Event Cigars | Barcelona Spain

Request the services of our knowledgeable cigar sommelier for an amazing service at your event, complete with enlightening suggestions on which cigars to choose and gorgeous cigar corners that are created to match your event's décor and personal preferences.
Our team of experts offers an opulent service that includes ornamental components and has everything needed to make your event or wedding welcome. The visitors receive recommendations from our tobacco sommelier on the cigars that are most suited to their likes and preferences as well as the distillates that go well with those cigars.
Our cigar sommelier will be at your event or wedding and will expertly choose cigars to compliment it. He may provide the following services:
Customized stands for cigar corners with sommeliers are available for weddings and other occasions.
Group or corporate tastings with distillates - Our sommelier will offer guidance and advice on cigar purchases, as well as instruction and guidance during training tastings. They will also provide opportunities for guests to sample the various cigar colours, flavours, and contrasts while sipping on distillates.
Cigar tastings for parties and businesses ”“ Our cigar specialist assists with the purchase and provides details on the various cigars, enabling tastings to be conducted in a discreet and comfortable setting.
Best Practice: You can set up our cigar corners indoors or outside, and we can customise them to go with your event.
Every visitor at your event or wedding is sure to be fascinated by the cigar area, which offers an opulent and distinctive experience that is both instructive and entertaining. The cigar corner is a great complement to any event, whether you are having a business event, a private party, a wedding, a brand launch, or an exhibition.
Contact our Entertainment Specialists right away to reserve our cigar sommelier or to learn more.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.