
Female Party Band Austin Texas | 90s Girl Band Tribute | Party Entertainment Texas USA

Female Party Band Austin Texas | 90s Girl Band Tribute | Party Entertainment Texas USA

Female Party Band Austin Texas | 90s Girl Band Tribute | Party Entertainment Texas USA

An All-Girl Pop Sensation from Bella Entertainment with Sweet 3-Part Harmonies, Tons of Dance, and a Kick Ass Band! В
The 90s are brought back to life by this girl band phenomenon. Come on, let the wonderful music of the 1990s and the early 2000s free your mind (and your feet). Allow the good vibrations of the rhythm to move you, and allow the music to cause you to lose control. With her Bootylicious body, you know you want to 1,2, and Electric Slide on the dance floor! Please allow us to tell you what you really, truly desire. Let's all dance now!
Available for bars, celebrations, marriages, and businesses.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.