
Air Sculpture

Air Sculpture

Air Sculpture

At its most basic level, our New York artist created Air Sculpture in an effort to elevate commonplace material and connect the mental and physical worlds. Our contemporary art sculpture has the power to create lasting memories by its stimulating appearance, making every event feel special. It is ideal for corporate entertainment or any event where the WOW factor is sought. В
Using materials in ways that distill and re-present diverse aspects of their intrinsic physical qualities has been our artist's point of entry into producing art. This has revealed an unexpected beauty in a never-before-seen way. Through the use of gorgeous textiles that appear to be dancing in midair, as well as glitter, feathers, and confetti to bring that extra touch of sparkle and glitz to your event, our Air Sculpture can mesmerize audiences. В
When seen in the same way as viewing a fire, Air Sculpture may induce a state of reverie or trance in the observer because of its interest in making art that is sensory, interactive, and continually changing. High end customers like Louis Vuitton, Mercedes Benz, and Samsung have all experienced this delightful feeling that the Air Sculpture delivers its viewers.
Top Tip: As shown in the fourth video up top, our artist also offers a sleek and simple version of the air sculpture that conceals the fans and produces a magnificent and minimalist appearance.
With the help of Bella Entertainment's atmospheric sculpture, any event can become a magical experience that will WOW spectators and have them raving about how amazing it was long after it has ended. Not only that, but our Air Sculpture can give every act that "show-stopping" effect by adding a real WOW moment at the conclusion of any performance or show. В
Contact our entertainment specialists to reserve this eye-catching air sculpture or for additional information. You can also check the pages for our modern artist's Air and Sine Wave Sculpture, Air Sculpture with Dancer, Car Reveal, and Snow Vortex to see more of his work.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.